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Available Sizes and Current Prices

45 x 37        2650
60 x 48        5200
78 x 58      18,000
price includes framing

As editions cross milestones, prices increase. As edition sizes close, no further printing of that size will be available nor will new sizes be introduced

Old Sheldon Church

I spent several years trying to capture the feeling I always have here. It is a little over an hour drive from my house. I would leave countless times just before 5 AM to try to capture it. I shot it from every angle and still couldn’t come up with an image that moved me like this place did.
Once again with the arrival of spring and the large dogwood trees around the church coming into bloom I set out to try again. It was a beautiful starlit night as I headed out, not a breath of wind. It seemed promising. As I neared Beaufort, SC fog started to form, soon it would be so thick you could cut it with a knife. My excitement and anticipation grew along with the fog. However, less than a quarter of a mile from the church I drove out of the fog back into the clear predawn. How could it be? The location of the church should have put it into heavy fog. It would be so perfect for the shot I wanted. 
I parked my car, shouldered my pack and tripod and started to set up for a shot, hoping the fog settle in. The light came up and at least it was flat. I decided that this would be my last attempt. There just wasn’t a shot to be had there. Still I worked on, deciding to just use the time for testing exposures and burn some film. My heart just wasn’t in it, after several different shots I walked over to the church and set my camera, still on the tripod, and my pack of gear near the side entrance under the descending limb that had always intrigued me so. I would just walk around and enjoy the beauty. I looked at the ferns growing out of the base of some of the bricks, stood under the columns out front marveling at the craftsmanship. I read the names on the graves out back. Then I saw it. The fog was moving in! I couldn’t believe it! I was finally going to have the conditions I had made so many trips looking for. Hurrying back to my camera, I realized I had shot all but a couple sheets of film I had with me. I needed to find the right composition. I would only have one chance to get the shot. I rushed over to the camera and was struck by the view. The feeling I had envisioned for the image was right in front of me. I couldn’t believe it. The fog filled in and I exposed two sheets of film. 
This image was a pivotal one for me. My visualization and compositions would be different from this point forward. I had always wanted to capture images that would seek to evoke an emotional response and not just be a photograph of a scene. My friend Adrianne’s first comment on seeing this image was, “I can hear the leaves crunch under foot”. 

How the art is finished


All pieces are limited editions and are only available framed. All materials are acid free, glazed, and sealed, under museum glass. The frames are made in Italy of olive wood. 

learn more about the finished piece